How to Close your Tribes

If you find yourself in a position where you are not able to maintain a Tribe, it is important that you follow these simple steps to avoid any potential issues occurring.

Step 1: Contact your Creative Relations Rep

Closing your Tribes is a process that requires attentive actions. Contact your Creator Relations Rep prior to closing your Tribe so they can help you through the necessary steps.
You can also contact the team at

Step 2: Notify your Tribers

It’s important to make your Tribers aware that you will be closing your Tribes. The best way to contact your Tribers directly is through a Tribes Post.

In your Tribes settings, select the “Posts” tab, then “New Post”.

It’s vital to be clear to your Tribers on the nature of your closing; Is it permanent or temporary? How long do you plan on keeping it closed? Should they expect activity by a certain date? Where can they access your latest creations if you are still releasing projects?

It’s a good idea to also notify your community of this change using whichever platforms you maintain (i.e. Discord, Twitter, etc).

Step 3: Deleting your Tiers

One of the most important steps in this process is deleting your Tiers.

Doing this stops the subscription of your Tribers in order to avoid them being charged while not receiving content.

If you do not delete your Tiers, Tribers will continue to be charged every month if they do not leave and, as a result, may damage your brand’s reputation.

In your Tribes settings, click on the “Tiers” tab, and select the red bin icon on your tier.

A message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to cancel the tier. Proceed by clicking on the “Delete” button.


To conclude, advise your Creator Relations Representative once you’ve completed all the steps so we can close your Tribes page so that it is no longer visible to the community.

Your Creator Relations Rep is here to guide you to help maintain and grow your Tribe, and there are an abundance of guides available here on the Creator Portal.

If you do decide to close your Tribe but change your mind, let us know so we can help you to grow your community with Tribes.