How to set up a Discount Code

Discount codes are a powerful tool for you to use on your Store Objects, FronTier Tiers and Pledge Manager.

Step 1 – Navigate to the Discount Code interface

Hover over your avatar (top right on MyMiniFactory), select ‘Settings’ and navigate to the ‘Discount Code’ tab.

Select the ‘Add Discount +’ button and input all of the fields:

  • Code* – 5 to 20 characters. no spaces, numbers and letters only. We recommend having the code memorable and appealing to your customers i.e. SAVE50
  • Description – this is for your reference only, your customers cannot see your input. You can write who the code is for and its intended purpose, for example.
  • Reduction (in %**) – the amount you would like deducted from your object price (we recommend no more than 50% as to not devalue your work and the Ecosystem)
  • Start date (UTC) – set the code 24 hours before the sale is due to be live**
  • End date (UTC) – set the code 24 hours after the sale is due to end

*Once a code is set it cannot be changed. Avoid generic codes such as SAVE50 as duplicate Discount Codes will not work.

**Minimum reduction 5%, maximum reduction 99%

***This way, you accommodate MyMiniFactory’s international audience and your customer’s needs. The dates can be set by typing or by using the calendar functionality.

You are able to search for specific objects, Pledges & Tiers, see the original price and the discounted price (shown in USD).

  • Objects – here you will find a full list of every object you have in your Store. You can select them individually or select all by selecting the top checkbox. You can filter by Collection to find objects more easily.
  • Tiers – here you will find a full list of Pledges & Tiers that make up your Pledge Manager and FronTier Campaigns. You can filter by Campaign to find Pledges & Tiers more easily.

If you wish to create an exclusive discount code for your store, please click here.