How to set up Meta Pixel For Shop3D

Measure traffic and engagement on your Only-Games or Trajann profile by using Meta Pixel.

Add Meta Pixel to Shop3D to set up tracking on your Only-Games or Trajann profile. To get started, follow the steps below. 

Step 1 - Navigation

Go to Facebook Event Manager, make sure you are using a business account.


Step 2 - Setting Up Your Meta Pixel

Click on “Connect Data Sources”.

Choose “Web” in the "Connect a New Data Source" pop-up window and click "Connect".

Type in a name for your new Dataset and click "Create".


Next, on the “Add your website” option, do not enter a website URL. Click on the “I don’t have a website” checkbox and click "Continue".


On the “Find a setup method” option, select “Do it yourself” and click "Next".


On the “Choose how to connect your website” option, select “Meta Pixel and Conversion API” and click "Next".


On the “Set up Conversions API to send events” option, select “Set up manually” and click "Next".

On the "Connect activity with Conversions API" page, ensure these options are selected.
Event Detail Parameters:

    1. Event Time
    2. Action Source
    3. Event Name
    4. Event Source URL
    5. Value
    6. Num Items
    7. Currency
Customer Information Parameters:
    1. Email

Please carefully review the list before you confirm setup.

Step 3 - Finding Your Pixel ID and Access Token

Pixel ID

This can be copied from the Dateset settings.

Access Token

Scroll down in settings to find the “Set up direct integration” section and click on “Generate access token”.

Important: a generated token is not stored on Facebook and is a sensitive data. Please copy this data before closing the window and adding it to Shop3D.

This will generate the Access Token for you to copy.

Step 4 - Adding Your Pixel ID and Access Token to Shop3D

You can now add the Pixel ID and Access Token in the "Pixel Settings" section of your Only-Games or Trajann control panel in Shop3D.

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