How to use Store Categories

Help your customers navigate your storefront with store categories.

You can now personalize and tailor your storefront to your customer's needs by filtering with store categories.

Store categories are the new and improved collections with easier set up and and a cleaner interface to streamline your store navigation and admin. The pinned collections on your storefront will be replaced with up to 8 featured categories.

To get started, head over to your store manager page.

From here, you can create categories, feature categories and add filterable categories.

1. All Categories

Create, view, edit and delete all of your created store categories. In the edit interface, you can add and remove products, add a cover image, search for products and filter by collections. Sorting options are by name, type, visibility, date and price.

You can tick store categories to include them in your Store's sidebar navigation (see next section).

2. Filterable Categories

Reorder the store categories you would like displayed as filters on your storefront's sidebar. You can create up to 20 filterable categories your Store.

You can star filtered store categories to include them in your featured categories (see next section).

3. Featured Categories

Feature up to 8 store categories on your storefront. Choose the products you would like to showcase on your storefront to potential customers, such as popular bundles or latest releases.

All of your collections will remain as a tab on your profile with the same URLs. Pre-existing pinned collections will be automatically migrated to featured store categories to save you time setting up. These can be modified at any time in your store manager.


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