Pledge Manager FAQ

Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions when it comes to Pledge Managers.

What is the Pledge Manager?

It is a post-Kickstarter offering where you can support Creators by backing their projects.

What is a Late Pledge?

It is a bundle of STL products that are the same or similar to what is offered by the Creator Kickstarter project, which is called a “pledge”.

What is an add-on?

Add-ons are extra files that are released by Creators related to the specific campaign. Some are already available for purchase and others are already included in the previously defined pledge levels; meaning if they are part of our current pledge level it will show “You own this”. If you do not own the Add-on it will display “Buy” and will be able to download it by clicking “See items”.


How do I go live?

To launch your Pledge Manager, you must first contact your Rep who will be able to set it live for you.

I have supported a Creator on Kickstarter, why I didn't get the file?

If you didn’t get the file after a pledge, then the file might be being prepared by the Creator; We will have a post on our Community Blog, and also send a notification to you when the file is ready.


How can I let my backers know that I will be distributing the rewards through MyMiniFactory's pledge manager?

Please make sure to check out our Public Assets Drive which contains lots of materials you can use on your Kickstarter. Having these in the updates section of your Kickstarter campaign is a great way to let your backers know that you will be distributing the rewards through our Pledge Manager.

