1. Creator Portal
  2. Tribes
  3. Setting Up Rewards - Basic

Setting up your Tribe - Tiers

Tiers are what Tribers will choose to join your Tribe and here are the steps you can follow to get your Tribe Tiers set up.

To learn about setting up Tiers for your Tribe, you can watch this short video or read the article below.

Tiers can vary in lots of different ways to offer unique incentives to Tribers. Select “Add Your First Tier” to get started.

When you create your first Tier, you will be presented with the Tier Editor (see above). Use this to add a name, price, description and image to the Tier. A Tier Price cannot be changed once it has been created. It is important to Price your Tribe appropriately and to include exactly what benefits a Triber receives in the Tier description.

If your Tier is an Early Bird or has a limited seat number you can check the box “Early Bird Tier?” or add a Seat Limit respectively.

Hidden?” will simply hide the Tier from public view, for example if all your Early Seats get filled, and no more Tribers can subscribe to that Tier, you can hide the Tier. If your Tribe is live and you wish to create a new Tier, it is best to create it as Hidden first before sharing it with the Public.

Copy Tier will allow you to recreate and copy an already existing Tier.

A Tier will appear below the Infoblocks on your Tribes Page, here is an example of some Tiers from the public view:

Remember, you can always use “My Public Profile” to check how your Tiers look. Don’t forget to save your changes!

Some Tribes offer a Commercial Tier to allow their Tribers to sell their physical miniatures. If you check “Commercial Licence Tier?” your Tier will appear like this to indicate it includes the Commercial Licence (expanded view):

If you are interested in selling your own printed miniatures, contact only-games.co or your Creator Relations Representative for more information.

Once you create the Tier, it will appear like this in the Tiers section of the Tribes Edit Page:

Use the Triple-dot symbol to move your Tiers around in the Tiers section.

Use the Eye symbol to make your Tribe public or private, just like ticking the “Hidden?” box from earlier.

Use the Pencil symbol to edit your Tiers, this will open the Tier Editor.

Use the red Bin symbol to delete a Tier. Do this only if you have no subscribers to the Tier or if you have informed your Tribers that the Tier will be deleted as this action will cancel their subscription.

Manage Rewards is where you will select the rewards your Tier has to offer.

Clicking on Manage Rewards will open this Menu:

You can select which month to share the rewards in using the list of months. For example, if you add rewards to May 2022, any rewards you add will be given to anyone that subscribes to your Tribe in May 2022.

Use “Select Objects to Share …” to add rewards to the selected month. Rewards come from your Library of uploaded objects so anything you want to share via Tribes must be uploaded to MyMiniFactory. Remember to upload exclusive Tribes content as Private so it does not appear in your Store.

When you click on “Select Objects to Share …” you will get a drop-down menu of every  uploaded object in your Library:

Once you select an Object to add, make sure to press “Valid” to save which objects are within that month:

Now that you have added rewards, any Triber that subscribes to your Tier, during that month, will have those objects appear in their Library in their Tribes Section.

It is important to note that any Objects that you add to the Rewards are shared instantly with your Tribers for that month.

Create your Tiers Now >