Tribes Pause Billing

You have the ability to pause your Tribe for a month at a time should you need a break in your schedule.

Please note: Tribes pause billing is currently in its beta release. If you would like to access this feature and pause your Tribe, please contact your Creator Relations rep or

How to pause your Tribe

Follow these steps to pause your Tribe.

Step 1: Navigate to your Tribes admin panel

Step 2: At the bottom of the ‘basics’ tab you will find a button ‘pause my Tribe’ which will trigger a popup that includes important information about pausing your Tribe.

Step 3: Accept and select "Pause Tribe" when you are happy to proceed.

Note: you must initiate the pause at least 72 hours before the end of the month you wish to pause to allow time for system processing. If you miss this period, you will not be able to pause until the following month.

Communicating with your Tribers

Your Tribers will receive an automatic email notification 72 hours before the end of the month to inform them that your Tribe will be paused the following month.

It is important to also let your Tribers know about your schedule via the tools available through Tribes, such as a post and updating your info blocks/tier descriptions. Read more about how to do this here.

Whilst your Tribe is paused, your Tribers will still have access to Tribes benefits such as:

  • Loyalty rewards and accumulated loyalty points
  • Discount codes and automated discounts
  • Stretch goals
  • Welcome pack
  • Previous releases

Your Tribers will see a "Paused" status in their subscription settings which informs them that they will not be charged during the scheduled pause month.

Other important information

Extending your pause - You can extend your pause for one month at a time and there is no limit to how many months you can pause your Tribe for. If you wish to extend your pause for additional months, you can select “extend” using the same process.

Cancelling your scheduled pause - If you pause your Tribe and decide that you no longer want to, you can cancel your request no later than 72 hours before the end of the month.

Subscriber charges - During the month that your Tribe is paused, Tribers will not be charged.

Annual subscribers - Any Tribers with annual subscriptions to your Tribe will be manually refunded their entitled amount. If you have already received a payout for your annual subscriptions, in the current release, we will assist you in calculating the loss from the partial refund of annual subscriptions. We will then ensure that the calculated amount is maintained when we process the next payout.

  • Your Triber will be refunded partially by the end of the paused month.
  • If the renewal month falls during a paused month, your Triber will be charged the full yearly subscription amount, then a partial refund will be issued by the end of the paused month.
  • An email notification will be sent to your Triber once the partial refund is issued.

Tribers joining - No one will be able to join your Tribe during the period it is paused. They will be able to join again on the month that your Tribe is live again.

If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact your Creator Relations rep or

Want to pause your Tribe? Get started here >


Tribes pause billing FAQ


Can I pause individual tiers?

Only an entire Tribe can be paused, not individual tiers.


Can I schedule a pause?

You can only schedule to pause your Tribe for the next upcoming month. If you wish to pause the month after that, you will need to return to your Tribes admin to extend the pause.


How can I communicate with my Tribers that I'm pausing my Tribe?

We recommend informing your Tribers about an upcoming or current pause. This can be via the Tribes about section, info blocks, tier images, and posts.


How does MyMiniFactory support in informing Tribers about a paused Tribe?

A Triber can stay informed about a paused Tribe in the following places:

  • Notifications will be sent out 72 hours before the end of the month to inform you about the status of your pause request.
  • On your Tribes page, the tier section will clearly indicate that your Tribe is currently on pause.
  • In a Triber's subscriptions settings page, monthly subscribers will see that their subscriptions are paused. Annual subscribers will see a regular subscription status as they are refunded manually.

How does pause billing work with annual subscriptions?

In its current release, annual subscriptions cannot be paused and will be refunded manually in the middle of the intended paused month by the MyMiniFactory team.


I already received a payout for my annual subscriptions, how does the partial refund affect my future payout/remaining balance?

In the current release, If you have already received a payout for your annual subscriptions, your Creator Relations rep will assist you in calculating the loss from the partial refund of annual subscriptions. We will then ensure that the calculated amount is maintained when we process the next payout.


How does a pause appear in statistics CSV?

In its current release, there will be no data in the Tribes earnings CSV for a paused month in your statistics page.