Using Archive Mode to upload files

Archive Mode is a method of file sharing that enables you to upload larger amounts of files. To learn more about uploading Objects, you can follow the designated guide.

Please note: The permissions for using the Archive/ZIP mode have to be manually granted to your account by our staff. If you do not have access, please contact your Creator Relations Rep to request it.


Create a new object. You can do so by clicking on the top bar dropdown menu labelled "Upload" and selecting "3D Object".

At the top of the page, you will see an option to switch between "3D Files Mode" and "Zip Mode"; select zip mode.

Upload your pre-zipped files and publish!

Currently, we allow 5GB per archive (25 archives in total). Larger archives may cause inconvenience for your customer to download the files. Archive files don’t enable 3D viewers generated at this point.

Please note: this feature is available in a limited capacity. If you require access, please get in touch with your Creator Relations Representative.