Marketing as a Service FAQ

Q: I’ve selected to switch to a different Marketing Plan, but it hasn’t changed.
A: Although you can select to switch your plan anytime, the change only happens at the end of your previous plan’s subscription (1 week after your last payment).

Q: Does the commission percentage of my tier replace the existing 8% commission?
A: No, the commission from Marketing as a Service is in addition to the existing 8% (i.e. signing up for the Expert tier would have a total commission fee of 28%). The extra commission still only applies to sales earned through your ad campaigns.

Q: Can I use my credit card (or another payment method) to pay for the Marketing Plan?

A: Currently we only accept payments through PayPal Subscribe.

Q: How can I cancel my Marketing Plan?
A: To cancel the weekly payments for your Marketing Plan, you have to downgrade to the Traveler tier in your Marketing settings.

Q: How many Ad Campaigns can I run at the same time?

A: You can run an unlimited number of campaigns simultaneously.

Q: What can I link as a target for my campaigns?
A: You can link anything from MyMiniFactory such as your objects, collections, FronTier, Pledge Manager, and Tribe.

Q: Do I have to use all ad spaces in a campaign?
A: No, you don’t need to make use of every single ad space; however you do need a minimum of one banner uploaded for your campaign to be activated.

Q: Can I edit a campaign after it’s live? How does this affect the sales?
A: Yes, you can edit a campaign after it’s live. However, you will not be able to change the target link for your ads.

Q: How can I tell which payments have had the Marketing Commission deducted?
A: When downloading a CSV from your Statistics Page you will see two columns: “Marketing Fee”, and “Marketing Commission”.

These will display how much of the payment was taken as commission, and what percentage of the total payment is being deducted.


Learn the Benefits of Marketing as a Service.
Learn how to set up your Marketing Campaign now!